Bury power lines, not pilots! |
a 2 seat Pawnee.. |
McGraw-Hill's 300 Best Aviation Web Sites publication. |
Try out my new categorized menu. Use the sections first letter to navigate! | |
Animations may not be resold, placed on any location where a membership or entrance fee is required to access them, or used on commercial/business web sites (including intranet and extranet sites) without the knowledge and prior permission of the artist. If you're planning on taking images to archive for downloading from your own site, or intend to post images on a commercial site, please contact me first. No, there won't be a charge. |
Lady Di of "Chateau De Cartes" also sent this surprising program you can actually play with. This will open a file that allows you to fly through the red mountains of mars. I don't have any idea how this thing works, it starts as a small (25.6 kb) .doc file. When presented an option, use Open file, no need to use Save. |
To stop the practice of linking images from these pages, we're periodically forced to replace image files with something you won't be proud to have show up on your page. |